Successful security companies have successfully prepared their security guards to meet the changing needs of companies in the second half of 2022. After the end of the restrictive measures (due to covid-19), the large number of people out there, including the return in the workplace, affected the entire country. The security industry is experiencing some major changes to which it needs to adapt. Here are the top four trends.
Filling in the Blanks
Security Guards placement companies have been facing labor shortages across the country. This affected many industries and sectors. Before March 2020, Security Guards mostly worked behind the scenes unless there was an emergency. In the interim, security guards became front-line staff. The security guard role is in a position that cannot be operated remotely. Therefore, the security guards dealt with many people every day, monitoring the crowds and pedestrian traffic, while ensuring that the safety instructions were followed.
Integration of Technology into the Roles of Security Guards
Organizations are realizing that the combination of technology and in-person presence provides the best security coverage available. Cyber-security and security guards are no longer considered a separate topic of discussion. Companies that have security systems like to add private security guards for a higher level of protection.
Building access can now be integrated into most devices, allowing the use of (hard to remember) codes to be eliminated. As technology becomes increasingly dominant in security measures, from 2022 onwards, access to restricted areas will be carried out using smartphones.
Some apps have also made security easier to access. Security guards can submit reports on their devices and monitor any activity at all hours of the day and night. An established and reliable security company will see the value in adding technology to their security program, providing customers with the best coverage possible.
Risk Assessment and Analysis
A trend for 2022 is a more proactive approach to security. By allowing highly trained security guards to perform a pre-assessment of facilities, it reveals vulnerabilities that may endanger property or people. If these risks can be mitigated before they become a problem, companies save time, money and keep people safer. Another part of preventing potentially dangerous and harmful situations is hazard analysis. This is where statisticians and analysts work with security to assess potential threats. Proactive risk assessment and analysis is an important competitive advantage for businesses.
Extensive Training of Security Guards
The security guards are already well prepared and experienced in dealing with emergency situations calmly. However, successful security services companies recognize that the world is changing and so, too, are the needs of customers. Formal and extensive training to deal with current threats is an integral part of the operation of any reliable security service provider. The ultimate goal of security is to provide protection to people and assets. Any training that better prepares security guards for new threats offers customers a better safety net and ensures better coverage. To ensure that security guards receive the knowledge they need from the extensive training, additional tests and exercises may be conducted before they are placed in important positions of responsibility.
These are just the top four security trends in 2022. Many more are on the horizon and will likely top the list for 2023. A fifth could be the use of drones. Drones are a modern tool that many security companies hope to use as an effective and cost-effective enhancement of their security services. Because drones require specialist operators, this can become part of security guard training in areas where there is a greater need to use drones to provide extended coverage. Top security service providers will monitor trends and ensure they can provide everything their customers need. UNITED SECURITY ranks among them and provides its customers with the best possible security.